Training with our EMEA sales team

By Network Nutrition

A hugely constructive, productive, fun and informative training with our EMEA sales team in Prague this week. The team is growing so quickly and it’s delightful to see how much it has evolved over the years.

A very well assembled team of seasoned nutraceutical experts, hungry for more #plantbased #quality #nutraceutical #ingredients designed and developed by Network Nutrition.

Thank you Bora Turan, Liz Connor, Alessia Vida, Alexandra Ioana Rosu, Andreas Beyer, Annabelle Duburch, Arianna Milani, Daria Szymczak, ENGİN SARI, Elke De Lepeleire, Estefania Garcia, Ogechi Favour Osuji, Hristo Ginev, Jackie Gorman, Kelly Graham, Laetitia Poirier, Marc McLoughlin, Nikola Andjelkovic, Paul Grund, Ramon Kannowski, Rita Sandvik, Robbert L., Rudy Sertijn, Sarit Barth, Sebastian Górnicki, Theresa Gryczka, Tugce Cansev, Tuğçe Sena KILIÇ, Zita Engi, for being Network Nutrition Champions and for bringing your positive attitudes, willingness to learn new things, and enthusiasm for Network Nutrition products both existing and up-and-coming. It’s a true delight to work with a team of such professionals.